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Free Prestigious STANFORD UNIVERSITY Course

A free, human-centric, intro-to-coding course in the time of COVID-19 by Stanford and that too for FREE!!!Yeah!!! {Next Class: April 19 - May 28th, 2021} World's Leading and Most Prestigious University Stanford University, USA has launched its Code 2021 which offering as either a student (apply by April 8th) or as a section leader (apply by March 25th)! Applications for section leaders are now open!! It is one of most popular courses at Stanford University , taken by almost 1,600 students every year. It has been developed over the last 30 years by an amazing team, including Nick Parlante, Eric Roberts and more. The course teaches the fundamentals of computer programming using the widely-used Python programming language. This course is for everyone from humanists, social scientists, to hardcore engineers. About the Course Dates: April 19th until May 28th. Where : Anywhere with internet. Who : Learners, with no programming experience, and time to dedicate to learning.  Fee : None, ...

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